Monday, August 16, 2010

228. Love of family

As he ages, Aldo has retained his zest for life and his joy in the human condition. He is a dapper man, small in stature, but with a big heart. Some people use their physical appearance to paper over internal flaws. With Aldo, his inner character shines through in the way he carries himself, in his respect and interest in others and in his willingness to go that extra mile.

Aldo owns a small cafe in Victoria Street up in The Cross which he had established in 1970 not long after alighting from the boat from Napoli – alone in his new country with only his quick wits to support him. He paid rent for the first twelve years until he had bedded down his clientele and hammered away at the landlord until he surrendered!

Aldo’s enduring sadness is that he and Maria have no immediate family to inherit the business.


Joan Elizabeth said...

Even if he did have family what are the chances they would want to be in the same business ... my father had that problem.

Julie said...

My Aldo and I would have worked that out.