Tuesday, July 13, 2010

194. Moving forward

Erica shook her head as the ideas tumbled around in her mind. One of the pleasures of horse riding for her was the gentle rocking of her head, add to that the clip-clop sound beneath her, and the pungent smell of horse sweat and she was in her element. Sometimes it made for a quiet ride, but she noticed that Linda did not seem to mind that. A companionable silence reigned over their time together.

Her brain had latched onto the expression ‘moving forward’ from the news last night. She smiled wryly as she wondered if she turned around and went in the opposite direction, would she still be moving forward. Daft concept, really, all she had done was turn around. No somersault, no back-flip, just a moving forward in a different direction.

She had ever done this. If one direction did not bring the required results, she changed direction.


Joan Elizabeth said...

I like her musing - would she be moving forward if she goes in an opposite direction.

There's lots of that strange type of stuff going on in the government right now.

Clytie said...

I like the musing as well.