Thursday, June 24, 2010

175. Self selecting

When Simon and Harriet came to the island with their three young boys in the late 70s, they thought they had died and gone to heaven. The ferry called twice a day and the passengers were mainly islanders coming and going. The isolation was just perfect for Simon’s writing and Harriet, being a qualified horticulturalist, was in her element earning a meagre income from gardens all over the island.

Winding the clock forward thirty years, there is a different story to tell. The boys have long gone and are scattered around the globe. Privately, they each think of their upbringing as self-indulgent, but would never broach this with their parents.

The biggest impact is on Simon and Harriet themselves. As all motorised transport was banned and replaced by wheel-barrows, the daily task of living is now daunting and debilitating. Simon’s stroke brought them face to face with a bitter reality.


Joan Elizabeth said...

And interesting observation on life choices - especially how./where we choose to live. It's only on the downward side of it all you see the impacts.

Clytie said...

Wow. Not the ending I had envisioned when I started reading! Very interesting turn of life events.