Thursday, April 1, 2010

91. The back alley

The stench of stale beer invaded her nostrils, as Michelle stood staring at the text on the screen. Her heart flip-flopped within her chest, and her hand shook as she tried to decode the poorly spelt message. She understood before she read it what it was going to say, and did not want to know further.

‘It’s over, Shel. The last two months have been hell. I won’t take the push-pull anymore.’

Five years brought to an end, just like that, with a 10c text message. An ironic grunt hissed the air from between her lips, her brain working ten to the dozen with schemes and excuses. Shel’s right eye ticked as the blood flow throbbed in the base of her brain. Shoving the mobile into her pocket, she ran her hand through her hair, trying to ease the panic welling within her.

She’d show him. She’d bloody show him.


Clytie said...

Once again you pulled me into the story. Wow. I can almost smell the stale beer!

diane b said...

Poor girl. Jilted in the alley.

Janet said...

Good one, Julie. Love the setting - with just a few words, you created a very realistic back alley. And her eye ticking, her quick thoughts of revenge - love to read more of this one :)

Joan Elizabeth said...

Great match of photograph and story ... but another jilted lover ... I rather wish I hadn't made the romance comment some time ago :-)

Julie said...


Hang on to yer hat then ...